Agro Commodities

Neem Oil
  • Color Dark: Greenish Brown
  • Odour Garlic: Repulsive
  • Moisture & Insoluble Impurities: 1%
  • Refractive Index at 40 C: 1.4615 to 1.4705
  • Specific Gravity @ 30 C/ 30 C: 0.908 to 0.934
  • Titer: 35.8 C
  • Iodine Value: 65 -- 80
  • Saponification Value: 175 -- 205
  • Unsaponifiable Matter % By Wt: 2 % By Mass Max.
  • F.F.A. % By Weight: Upto 15 %
  • % Of
  • Myristic Acid: 2.6 %
  • Palmitic Acid: 13.6 To 14.9 %
  • Stearic Acid: 14.4 To 19.1 %
  • Oleic Acid: 49.1 To 61.9 %
  • Linoleic Acid: 7.5 To 15.8 %
  • % of Glycerides
  • Fully Saturated Glycerides : 0.6 %
  • Tri-Unsaturated Glycerides : 22.0 %
  • Stearodiolein : 34.0 %
  • Palmitodiolein : 26.0 %
  • Oleopalmitostearin : 12.0 %
  • Oleodipalmein : 5.0 %

NEEM OIL Contains several - Terpenoids, Steroids,Alkaloids, Flavonoids,Glycosids, etc.. The isolatedConstituents constituents are: Margosic Acid,Nimbin,Nimbidin, Nimbinin, Kaempeerol, Azadirone,Quercursertin, B - Sitosterol, Praisine,Vanilic Acid,Nimbicetin, Meliacins etc..

For those who need only concentrate which should get dissolved in water and can be sprayed, Neem Formualtions are available from 300 ppm to 65000 ppm Azadirachtin min. guaranteed